15 Jan 2009



Just wanted to draw the attention to the Arts Council England logo in the bottom right hand corner.
The Amateurs nite programme (FLIER as above) funded by this august organisation is marvellous darling, simply marvellous, but WAIT til you catch the real professionals' performances.

I think the highlight may be the woman who shoves a plastic funnel into her anus and gives herself an enema as the finale of her show, but no, come to think of it the stripping Person of Diminished Stature comes close, or maybe.....no I've got it!! The Trann, er Person of Indeterminate Gender, whose entire act consists of punching holes in a door with a hammer and then pissing onto the audience through the holes.

Brilliant, and we all thought the Arts were dying..........

Check out the video on their site (ADDRESS ABOVE) and admire the contemporary dance sections. Now that's what we call inclusivity.
There is a whisper that the Royal Ballet Company is thinking of lending a couple of artists for forthcoming shows since they and DUCKIE share quite a number of patrons within their audience constituency.

Rather than funding this farrago ( we have actually been to one of their Burlesque nights and got sprayed by someone whose act consisted of absorbing the contents of a washing up bowl of soapy water and blowing them over the audience from her vagina - and that one of the less hard-core acts) would it have not made more sense for the ACE to provide further, broader, performance opportunities for the flower of British contemporary dance in some kind of context relevant to the development of dance and dance audiences in the UK - rather than the moist gratification of a coterie of scatologically infantile degenerates clearly all suffering from chronically ineffective toilet training habits.

It would seem that choreographers are now being forced to throw their lot in with amateur nite at the Pee Pee, Poo-Poo Club in their desperation to get their work seen.

Unless we are all VERY careful, it is going to become increasingly difficult to distinguish between any of the creative output of UKplc.

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